In an ideal world all carpets would be stretched as per manufacturers instructions using a power stretcher, as it is
Why does the whole room need to be stretched, rather than just where my ripple is?
There are many unknowns and miss-conceptions about carpet stretching?
When is a room more than one room?
Perhaps we should ask, when is stretching carpet in one room of your home more than just one room .
Acne Medication and Your Carpet
Most people are not aware that acne medication will bleach your carpet! But this is a hidden trick …
Carpet Repairs – Don’t Try This At Home!
As someone that goes from home to home repairing and stretching carpets in the Vancouver area I often see homeowner’s
Landlords Use Carpet Condition as #1 Reason to Withhold Your Deposit
There is no proven statistics that landlords use carpet condition as the #1 reason to withhold your deposit, however every
Does Anyone Dye Carpet to Change the Colour Anymore?
Since STAIN RESISTANT carpet was first introduced in the 1990’s full room carpet dyeing to change colour became almost none
Squeaky Floors Under Carpet In Vancouver
Having a squeaky floor is not only noisy, it is down right annoying! Once you have stepped on the spot
Putting Tape on Carpet To Protect Carpet, Only Makes it Worse
Homeowners often put tape on damaged carpet to prevent further damage to the carpet. Hoping that the cat or dog
Double Glue Down Carpet Repairs
It is very common in office buildings and in hallways of apartment/condo buildings for the carpets to be installed using