Carpet Bleach Spot Re-dyeing

All Repairs and Re-Stretching Guaranteed
Five Full Years


An Alternative to Cutting out Bleach Damaged Carpet is:
Carpet  Bleach Spot Re-dyeing

There was a lot of bleach spots on this carpet, and being focused is so important these pictures almost didn’t get taken.  In this case the pictures were remembered near the end of the job when only the ring from the bleach bottle bottom was left.
The person that caused this bleach damage vowed to never put a bleach bottle on the carpet ever again!


And The Restored Colour is as Colourfast as the
Rest Of The Carpet

The pictures included below are to give you an idea of bleach spots we have re-dyed back to the carpet’s original colour, and so you know, pictures could be added until you are fed up of looking at pictures. Suffice to say the carpet can be re-dyed back to the original colour if the bleach has not damaged the fibres of the carpet to a point the carpet will not accept the dye properly . . . Most bleach damaged carpets can be re-dyed beautifully, sadly some can only be re-dyed so if you walk into a room the spot isn’t noticeable until you go looking for it, this is what is meant by the bleach damaging the carpet fibres.

bleach spots on blue carpet
Bathroom Cleaners
Carpet dyeing on blue carpet
Do No Have To Leave Spots . . .


Dyeing carpet bleach damaged in laundry room
Outside a Rental Apt. Laundry Closet
carpet dyeing after
Doesn’t Mean Loss Of Damage Deposit


bleach damage to blue carpet
Kitchens and Bathrooms . . .
Carpet dyeing blue carpet
Seem to Attract the Most Damage

Another Method of Repairing Bleach Damage!

Bleach damage to carpet before repair
Instead of re-dyeing the spot, repairing the damage by replacing the damaged carpet with another piece of carpet,  as the homeowner chose for this repair also can be accomplished

Carpet repair Bleach spot

Bleach damaged areas can be repaired by cutting out the damaged area and replacing the carpet with a spare piece of carpet or as often done carpet is used from a closet.

Photos Of A Dyeing Repair to Wool Carpet

These pictures are of wool carpet being re-dyed, not because bleach was used on the carpet because wool dissolves in bleach.  This was a bleaching agent, like a laundry whitener, improperly used to clean a pet stain.

Why Shouldn’t You Get Your Carpet Fixed Right Now?
Before you give up on your carpet, give us a call!

Uniquely-Carpet Repairs Only Ltd.
Call Chris at 604-581-3480 *Landline